A Father’s Faith: Rev. Adogbla’s Journey with His Daughter Anita

Anita is a young girl with cerebral palsy. Her father, Rev. Samuel Adogbla, recounts the challenges in nurturing a child with such a condition, attributing Anita’s situation to a severe illness that befell her mother during pregnancy.

Rev. Adogbla, a minister of the gospel, believes one of his primary responsibilities is to encourage his congregation. When Anita’s disorder was detected, he reassured himself that others in his church face similar challenges and decided to be thankful, leaving everything in God’s hands. He has taken Anita’s condition to the Lord in prayer, sought help from numerous hospitals, and even tried herbal remedies, but her condition remains unchanged. Despite this, his faith has been his strength.

The Reverend describes his greatest challenge as a pastor is that, while his ministry has blessed others with similar issues, Anita’s condition persists. This has led him on several trips within Ghana to schools for children with special needs in Accra and Takoradi. These encounters highlighted how far behind the country is in supporting children like Anita. Rev. Adogbla fears for these children, as some people, due to lack of education and cultural beliefs, might resort to harming them. However, he remains hopeful for mankind and believes such thoughts are unjustifiable.

After Anita’s mother passed away, life became even tougher for Rev. Adogbla. He struggles to leave Anita behind to attend to his daily activities and finding a babysitter has been challenging. He sought out a school for speech therapy for Anita, but the expenses were exorbitant. The school operates on an hourly basis, with additional costs for transportation, food, and study materials. “I have no funds anywhere and no one to turn to,” he laments.

Rev. Adogbla also faces societal stigma. Babysitters often perceive Anita as cursed or a marine spirit, rooted in entrenched cultural beliefs. He finds this baseless and believes anyone could find themselves in such a situation. People with children like Anita are often disrespected, seen as coming from families with hereditary diseases. 

Anita’s mother, who used to care for her, had to quit her job as a seamstress. Now, all household responsibilities fall on Rev. Adogbla. For the past 27 years, he has subsidized his ministerial work with farming to cater to Anita’s needs, including costly items like diapers.

Rev. Adogbla would be extremely grateful if someone could help Anita talk or walk. Anita has developed a strong bond with her father, making it difficult for anyone else to care for her. This deepens Rev. Adogbla’s understanding of other parents with similar children, enabling him to counsel them effectively. Quoting Job 14:7, Rev. Adogbla believes that God works in mysterious ways and does not give burdens that one cannot handle. He encourages others in similar situations to depend on God, affirming that there is nothing you cannot do with faith.

In the face of immense challenges, Rev. Adogbla’s story is one of grounded faith and resilience, a proof of the power of love and the strength found in faith.

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