A Courageous Mother: Felicia Unwavering Love for her son, Divine

A Courageous Mother

Felicia Boamah, mother to young Divine, is deeply saddened by her son’s condition—cerebral palsy. She discovered Divine’s condition when he was six months old and noticed he could neither sit  nor walk. This was a shock, especially since her first child, a daughter, was born without any disorders.

Upon seeking medical advice, Felicia was referred to a physiotherapist, which has since become a routine. Divine communicates his needs through cries and sounds. If he doesn’t make a sound in response to a request, it means he doesn’t need what is offered, whether it be food, water, or anything else. Sometimes, his sounds signal that he is tired and wants to change positions.

Despite the physiotherapist’s advice not to worry, Felicia found it challenging to cope. She even considered quitting her job to care for Divine full-time. Public outings were difficult due to the stares they received, which made Divine uncomfortable and often angry. He avoids going to church but sometimes enjoys being outside or even accompanying his mother to work.

Felicia has grown accustomed to the stares and is now convinced that God knows why she finds herself in this predicament. Financially, she has managed without support, relying on her faith for provision. Her main concern remains Divine’s inability to walk. However, Divine’s expressive sounds and his playful nature bring her joy and hope. His laughter, even after a fall, lightens her heart and strengthens her resolve.

Felicia’s greatest wish for her son is to see him walk. She has seen videos on TikTok of children with similar conditions using wheelchairs, but they are often imported and scarce. Moreover, Divine is considered too young for a wheelchair. The physiotherapist has played a key role in Divine’s progress, offering encouragement and support. Felicia initially hesitated to have more children, but their presence has provided Divine with playmates who make him smile and boost his energy.

Felicia urges other parents of children with special needs to ignore negative comments and pray for the strength to care for their children. She hopes for help in enabling Divine to walk, talk, and engage in playful activities like his siblings. Her steadfast love and dedication to her son serve as an inspiring demonstration of an optimistic mother who would go lengths to see her son recover.

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